Ageism in the Workplace and the Adventure of Getting Older with Karen Walrond!

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Caleb and Adriele are joined by leadership coach, activist and attorney, Karen Walrond, whose new book, Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy, and Raise a Little Hell, is an investigation in how we can reclaim aging and live a light-filled life along the way. They talk about navigating ageism in the workplace, how marketing has damaged our ability to thoughtfully approach getting older, and how to not be biased against our future selves.

Before that, Caleb and Adriele look at new research on CEOs’ internal communication skills, more research on remote work being here to stay, and the new trend of “quiet cutting.” All that plus medicare spending in the U.S. has gone way down and studies showing overwhelming support for corporate diversity initiatives across racial, ideological, and generational lines.

Discussed today:

Karen’s website: CHOOKOOLOONKS

GE-Ipsos poll: Employees want more authentic internal communication | AXIOS

Survey: Remote Work Isn’t Going Away — and Executives Know It | HBR

You’ve Heard of Quiet Quitting. Now Companies Are Quiet Cutting. | WSJ

The American workplace's bias against age | AXIOS

Corporate Diversity Initiatives: Overwhelmingly Supported Across Racial, Ideological, and Generational Lines

A Huge Threat to the U.S. Budget Has Receded. And No One Is Sure Why. | NYT

Caleb Gardner

Managing Partner at 18 Coffees


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